Report on Conference of the Commission on Anthropology of the Middle East

Identity, Separation, and Belonging

6-8th of September 2023

Institut Francais d’Etudes Anatolienne

Istanbul, Turkey 

Our Conference started on the 6th of September, registration from 9 AM, and program from 9:30. Our schedule was very tight this year, as a result we had short lunches and coffee breaks and we passed 17:00 second and third day. All the sessions were prepared and presented in a scientific atmosphere of seriousness and cordiality. Very few lectures were presented through Zoom, and the facilities allowed for the presentation of PowerPoints, slides and so on.

This year as is our yearly habit, we had a Commission Business Meeting in which topics for next year were discussed, and there was also a vote for the next executive secretary of the Commission. Dr. Farniyaz Zaker had informed me that she would not be present at the Conference due to her personal and academic reasons, and so I had announced the matter and had informed scholars about volunteering themselves for the task. Dr. Magdanela Rodziewicz from the University of Warsaw in Poland, who has been with our Commission from before Covid, she volunteered and won the approval of those present that she would become the Executive Secretary of the Commission.

This year, we had 12 sessions with 62 scholars from 16 countries, from Japan to California. Some of the sessions were presented with a few participants already prepared for the session by the Convenor. The program is attached for your information. Two participants have been asked to write at the Conference, and all were asked to send in their views so that we could ameliorate our work for next year. The title of the Conference and the sessions will be announced soon.

Soheila Shahshahani

Shahid Beheshti University, Tehran, Iran

Chair of the Commission on Anthropology of the Middle East